연구실명 | 수처리공학연구실 (E8-10동, 106호) |
지도교수 | 홍혜진 교수 |
전화번호 | 043-261-2469 |
홈페이지 | https://www.cbnu-wwt-lab.com/ |
주요실험장비 |
1. 유도결합플라즈마 분광 분석기(Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer, ICP-OES) 2. 고성능 액체크로마토그래피(High Performance Liquid Chromatography, HPLC) 3. 이온크로마토그래피(Ion Chromatography, IC) 4. 자외선-가시광선 분광 광도계(UV-vis spectrophotometer, UV-vis) 5. 열중량 분석기(Thermogravimetric Analyzer, TGA) |
주요연구분야 |
1. Recovery of valuable materials from wastewater by selective adsorption 2. Biochar production from sludge 3. Advanced oxidation process to remove micropollutants 4. Removal of radioactive isotopes from seawater |
주요연구논문 |
1. Synthesis of highly porous layered hydrogen titanium oxide (HTO) granule by using carboxymethylated cellulose nanofibrils (CMCNFs) for effective recovery of Lithium (Li) from low-grade brines, H. Yoo, C. Kim, H.-J. Jang, H.-J. Hong*, Chemical Engineering Journal 489 (2024) 151206. 2. High-carbon-content biochar from chemical manufacturing plant sludge for effective removal of ciprofloxacin from aqueous media, G. Lee, C. Kim, C. Park, B.-G. Ryu*, H.-J. Hong*, Chemosphere (2024) 143118. 3. Powdered activated carbon (PAC)-assisted peroxymonosulfate activation for efficient urea elimination in ultrapure water production from reclaimed water, C. Kim, H. Yoo, G. Lee, H.-J. Hong*, Scientific Reports 14 (2024) 4597.4. 4Mechanically stable and highly permeable porous alumina foam with immobilized copper hexacyanoferrate (Cu-HCF@ AF) for the removal of radioactive cesium (137Cs) from seawater, J. Song, C. Park, C. Kim, C.W. Park, H.-J. Hong*, Separation and Purification Technology (2024) 128504.외 다수 |
기타 |
· 2022년 대한환경공학회 우수발표논문상 수상 · 2023년 한국철도학회 우수발표논문상 수상 · 2023년 한국도시환경학술대회 우수발표논문상 수상 · 2023년 한국화학공학회 국제학술대회 우수발표논문상 수상 |